We all have in mind a working day scenario with an hour to get up, an early morning ritual, a trip to the workplace, an hour back, in short. In the same way, we also have weekend and holiday scenarios, a scenario for children... Smart home and home automation do not reinvent anything, they simply come to manage this scenario for you and assist you so that it runs as smoothly as possible. Thus, home automation is able to anticipate your needs and thus make your life easier and save you time.
In order to have a typical day, I will take the example of a family of 5 people, Aurélien and Sam, a couple in their thirties, their daughter Jade who is in high school and two boys Lucas and Noah who are in primary school.

6:00 am- The awakening
Sam works quite far from home, so she gets up first. When his alarm clock rings, the Philips Hue light on his bedside lights up gently, creating a soft and non-aggressive light so as not to wake up the man who is still asleep. Sam goes to the bathroom, it's nice and warm. The smart home knows that during the week it gets up at 06:00. The home automation system therefore took care to turn on the heating in advance so that it would not be cold.Sam enters the bathroom, a motion detector turns on the lights in the room and launches his current playlist in this dedicated multiroom area. She will be able to wake up to music in the shower.
6:30 am - Breakfast
Sam goes down into the kitchen, there too, a motion detector turns on the lights and now it's the TV that turns on by itself and positions itself on bfm TV. But be careful, the smarthome knows that the other inhabitants of the house are still asleep so it also takes care to set the TV volume fairly low. Unfortunately, it's still a little early! The hens in the hen house connected to the bottom of the garden have not yet laid eggs.This weekend, when she wakes up the family will have a little notice on the smartphones or on the Triby in the refrigerator indicating that there are fresh eggs to pick up for breakfast! Sam then settled for his sandwiches and coffee this morning. While she is having lunch, she receives a notification on her travel time. If there is work on the road or an incident, an alternative route is proposed.
It's time to wake up the children. Similar techniques to the waking of the lady exist, but, for the moment, she has chosen not to automate this moment which remains the little cuddly moment of the day with her children. The children wake up and go to lunch, the Netatmo Welcome camera recognizes them and the TV plays on a more appropriate channel, what better way to wake up gently before a hard day of school than with good old cartoons!
7:00 am - Mom goes to work
Sam is ready, it's time to go, Sam's car is sleeping in the garage, the smart home took care to open the gate as well as the garage door when she opened the front door. If it is winter, it is still dark outside, the outside lights have also come on. Madam gets in her car and goes to work. The garage door closes after a few minutes and then the lights turn off.It is time for Aurélien to be awakened by his home automation. He too is entitled to his own little luminous atmosphere to wake up gently. When he gets to the bathroom, the radio starts. Aurélien likes to listen to the new information in the shower.
When he turns off the bathroom light, it's his coffee maker that starts! Time to get down, the water is hot, all he has to do is put on his pod and run his espresso.
It's time to go, but first, the smart home reminds kids to brush their teeth before they go to school via the multiroom. She also knows how to tell them if they have sport that day so that they don't forget to take their bags with them.
8:00 am - The big departure
Everyone leaves, Aurélien drops the children off at school on their way to work. Here too, the gate takes care to open when everyone leaves the house. Sir, he presses the last button on the gate's remote control. The gate closes, the alarm goes off... The smart home goes into standby. Thus, it lowers the heating set point to maintain a correct temperature and make some savings.If, however, he has not pressed the button on his remote control, the gate closes itself and alerts Aurélien via telegram, push or SMS. Finally, if he left the house without activating the alarm, the house knows that there is no longer any presence, it then sends an SMS to Aurélien asking him the question, if he wants her to activate the alarm for him, she will do it!
10:00 am - The house is empty, but still living
The shutters opened at daybreak. The smart home really thinks of everything! She took care to wait until everyone left to ask the vacuum cleaner to clean the house. This one is running. After two hours, he has cleaned everything, he is proud, he then informs the smart home who sends a cat to the parents to inform them that everything is clean for their return and that he has worked well, but that if they wish, they can request a second visit.Depending on the response to the message, the house will schedule a second pass for the robot or order it to stay on its base.
The chickens have laid eggs! The smart home displays information about the Triby in the kitchen, so kids can just pick them up when they get home from school.
The postman rings, home automation redirects the call to the parents' smartphones. They exchange with the factor who is used to it now, he then puts the package in the box. The smarthome acknowledges receipt of the package, notifies the parents by SMS. They only have to pick up the package when they get home.
Meanwhile, if it doesn't rain outside, the smart mower does its job of maintaining the lawn to save the family time and, above all, keep the lawn clean.
11:30 am - Back from school
Today is Wednesday! The boys come home from school before the older sister, they use a small bracelet to unlock the smart lock on the house door. The Welcome camera recognizes them and immediately warns parents that the children have just returned home. The smart home knew that on Wednesdays the children are there for lunch. She therefore took care to deactivate the alarm and set the heating set point to comfort so that they would not be cold when they arrived.The tall one who is in college arrives 30 minutes later. She uses her smartphone to unlock the lock that had automatically locked after the boys returned. Again, parents are aware of his return thanks to the facial recognition camera.
2:00 pm - Mommy checks in
Although she knows everything from her smart home, Sam likes to make a quick call to her children on Wednesday afternoons to see if everything is going well. The tall woman who must have put her phone on silent (or the music a little loud!) doesn't answer. She then calls the house Triby, Noah answers. It's all right! It's all right! "Remember to do your homework...""By the way, Mom, there were three eggs I picked up at the henhouse. It was also marked that there was soon no more water so I took the opportunity to give them some more..." Yes, home automation also monitors the chickens in the house.
5:00 pm - Daddy is back
With his work, he doesn't always come home at the same time. So rather than opening the gate too soon, the smart home waits until it is within a 500m radius of the house before opening it. All he has to do is park, pick up the package that is in the box, because he got an SMS. He opens his door with his badge that he passes in front of the lock and enters. The house greets him with a short voice message. She tells him there's a package (if he ever forgot).The voice also announces that the washing machine is finished and has turned out well in off-peak hours as planned. In case, she also tells him that if the day has been a little hard, the beer in the gunner is ready and that he should think about drinking it, because it has been more than 20 days since the barrel was opened! (Drink in moderation of course!) It is getting dark in the house, the lights are on. The shutters close. There are still the little one's homework to do, the smart home doesn't do that yet!
6:00 pm - everyone is at home
Mommy's home, the family's full, everyone's going about their business. That's the advantage of the smart home, it has taken care to anticipate many of our actions. As a result, everyone can focus on other less daunting tasks.8:00 pm - What about tomorrow?
On Thursdays, it is the collection of the yellow garbage can. Fortunately, home automation is there to make sure that we don't forget to take it out. A notification is sent and a voice message is broadcast in the house. If they wish, parents can consult the dashboard of the home automation box. This will be able to show them the consumption curves of the house and inform them about the energy consumption for the current month. Otherwise, they can also quietly continue their little life and forget about the smart home.She doesn't forget them, she watches over them and tomorrow? She will also be there to start a new day on the same scenario or another variant. Because tomorrow may be the weekend? A day off? Or the holidays? She'll be able to adapt, because she's programmed to. This is what the smart home is all about!
Through this article, you have been able to discover some examples of a typical day for a family of five in a smart home. This is only a sample, soon find the smart home on holiday, the smart home on the weekend, and many other examples!All this to say that home automation greatly improves our comfort. Also our safety and contributes to a good management of our energies.